Once upon a time I promised I'll let my friends here try out Lithuanian cuisine. Our famous potato pancakes! Ok, they became Lithuanian only a few decades ago, but we are so proud of them :) I should have though before opening my mouth, as it took a few hours of peeling, grating and baking, with the help of potato team - Bridget (she even contributed with a piece of her skin), Eugene with a friend, Zaiming and Haniffa

(did I miss anyone)? Big appreciation guys! But, at the end, they liked it, even without being born in Lithuanian. More than that - apparently, these pancakes are Chinese! Yep, that's what my Chinese friend used to eat as kid.
It was so much fun, once again, with wasted Irish girl messing around, crazy Candy Apples-Bridget transforming Chris to Christina, well and all the rest. I got printed pictures from all good times in Singapore, finally it is me who's leaving :) I'm going to miss so much all people I met here, oh but the world is small, so let me know whenever you pass Europe!
It was all like Erasmus #3, and I'm a bit different person now, definitely for the better :) Well but I missed my Aalborg family as well, see you very soon there!!! You'll have to try out my Asian cooking experiments, but that's not gonna be potato pancakes :p
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